


奥巴马的演讲一直以来备受人们的推崇,不仅情感运用十分到位,所阐述的内容也十分值得回味,这里小编就给大家带来了奥巴马经典语录中英文互译版,大家可以来看一看。 奥巴马经典语录中英文

change will not come if we wait for some other person or some other time。 we are the ones we‘ve been waiting for。 we are the change that we seek。


if you‘re walking down the right path and you’re willing to keep walking, eventually you‘ll make progress。


the future rewards those who press on。 i don‘t have time to feel sorry for myself。 i don’t have time to complain。 i‘m going to press on。


why can‘t i just eat my waffle?


we need to internalize this idea of excellence。 not many folks spend a lot of time trying to be excellent。


in the end, that‘s what this election is about。 do we participate in a politics of cynicism or a politics of hope?


there‘s not a liberal america and a conservative america - there’s the united states of america。

并不存在一个自由美国和一个保守美国的区别 - 只有团结的美利坚合众国。

money is not the only answer, but it makes a difference。


we‘ve been warned against offering the people of this nation false hope。 but in the unlikely story that is america, there has never been anything false about hope。

如果人们不能相信他们的政府做它该做的事 - 保护他们和促进他们的共同福利 - 那我们就完全失败了。

if the people cannot trust their government to do the job for which it exists - to protect them and to promote their common welfare - all else is lost。


we are the change we are seeking.


we are the ones we have been waiting for.


starting today,we must pick ourselves up,dust ourselves off and begin the work of remarking america.


this union may never be perfect,but generation after generation has shown that it can always be perfected.


it took a lot of blood,sweat and tears to get to where we are today,butwe have just begun.


today we begin in earnest the work of marking sure that the world we leave our children is just a little bit better than the one we inhabit today.


we need to steer clear of this poverty of ambition,where people want to drive fancy cars and wear nice clothes and live in nice apartment.but don’t want to work hard to accomplish these things. everyone should try to realize their full potential.


we remain the most prosperous,powerful nation on earth.


if you’re walking down the right path and you’re willing to keep walking. eventually you'll make progress.


we are ready to lead once more.


the realities are that, you know, as a black man, barack can get shot going to the gas station。


i never cut class。 i loved getting a’s, i liked being smart。 i liked being on time。 i thought being smart is cooler than anything in the world。


there are still many causes worth sacrificing for, so much history yet to be made。


if my future were determined just by my performance on a standardized test, i wouldn‘t be here。 i guarantee you that。


whether you come from a council estate or a country estate, your success will be determined by your own confidence and fortitude。


and let‘s be clear: it’s not enough just to limit ads for foods that aren‘t healthy。 it’s also going to be critical to increase marketing for foods that are healthy。


together, we can help make sure that every family that walks into a restaurant can make an easy, healthy choice。


the problem is when that fun stuff becomes the habit。 and i think that‘s what’s happened in our culture。 fast food has become the everyday meal。

